Pavimentazioni x interni ed esterni
Pavimenti e rivestimenti, grès , pietre naturali e legno
Read AllAn important aspect for the aesthetic and functional success of your pool is the targeted selection and fit of the solarium paving, the poolside, the overflow grille, and "Mosaik" facing.
The flooring, in addition to being non-slip for safety, must provide a pattern of colours and forms to support your pool's design to its fullest.
For colours and the choice of materials there is no manual: these must be evaluated by the customer, often relying on instinctive reaction based on their own senses and desires. We can offer our advice based on our extensive experience in the field.
Choose the flooring according to the type of edging, the type of lining, the outdoor environment, the location and not least, the furnishings we provide.
Flooring in travertine, slate, quartzite, ceramics, and exotic woods for exteriors.
We install edging in cement and marble chips with cobble inserts, borders in travertine with anti-slip sections in stone for rustic settings.
Even for the overflow grilles, we offer different types of materials, all of which are available to view in our showroom, so you can touch and choose from the different colours, shapes and types.
An ESSENTIAL accessory for your pool, be it a skimmer or Partial Infinity perimeter, is the "MOSAIK" finish.
Questo optional vi garantirà un’inalterabilità nel tempo delle vostre pareti a contatto con la linea di galleggiamento dell’acqua, linea che spesso è famosa per l’effetto “ RIGO NERO “.
Infatti sulla linea di galleggiamento si depositano e galleggiano le impurità contenute nell’acqua e spesso ( nelle piscine con rivestimento in PVC ) il liner si macchia di colori che vanno dal giallo, verde e marrone, causando molti disagi sia ai proprietari che agli utenti.
Inserendo nella parte superiore della parete una piastrella/ mosaico in ceramica, questa non subirà la macchiatura del liner e la piscina risulterà sempre pulita ed in ordine.
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